Tomorrow Still
Have you read the history of wars?
The gory details of mankind’s cruelty to another
When humans stooped to the level of animals and
each man’s life had a price
They tell the stories of our dark ages
When we were barbarians and impulsive beings
When men stripped themselves of all morality and
acted upon all of their suppressed vices
They said the history books
were the only place I could learn about such cruelty
That the world has moved on
And we have gone past time of fighting
Is the world any better?
Have we learned from history?
Haven’t we advanced so well in technology
But so little in humanity
Isn’t the world as cruel as always?
We pride in our inventions
And in toys we have made to fill our void
Are we any better than those before us?
The wanderers invading and maiming one another?
We have made the world closer, a global village?
Have we spread love?
Why should I read the history of wars?
Won’t there be war tomorrow still?
© Sam Olusola